
Wednesday 12 January 2011

Wishlist Wednesday

So at the weekend I thought I'd try my hand at something I'd never tried before. I bought myself some lovely yarn, found myself a beautiful pattern and went about knitting myself a lace shawl.

Well I'll tell you this shawl has become the bane of my life!! One little mistake and it's rip out and start again. If you lose a stitch you haven't a hope in hell of finding it again. I've spent the past 5 days frogging and after finally getting the hang of it and getting quite far I made yet another mistake last night and am having to begrudgingly rip the whole thing out again! ARGH!!!

I am definitely not giving up though. I have learned not to knit when there's a song on the radio that I love, when I'm around people or conversations, and definitely definitely do not answer the phone mid row!

Anyway whilst I get increasingly frustrated with my 5mms, here are some lovely lace shawls for your viewing pleasure. Aren't they soooo pretty??

Anyway watch this space because I'm determined to have at least some progress with the shawl to show you next week!


  1. ohh, no need to rip and re-knit! (usually) just about everything can be rescued. DM me next time you're stuck, I might be able to help. Also, have you heard about lifelines?

  2. I agree, just go back to the mistake as if you're running a tape backwards (un-knitting) and sort that bit out. Can't wait to see what you've been creating :)

  3. That's what I usually do when I go wrong with knitting but because this is a lace pattern I can never find where I've gone wrong. Or just end up with the wrong amount of stitches at the end of a row. Annoying! :)


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