
Monday, 10 January 2011

New Man in my Life

Well I thought it's about time to introduce you lot to the new man in my life...

Now I don't think I mentioned that I moved again last month, this time to a barn conversion beside the sea. And with the house came this handsome devil! Isn't he beautiful?!

We don't know how old he is, or what's happened to him because he is rather gammy looking. He has very little teeth, his two bottom ones stick out of his mouth at odd angles, his mouth is wonky, we don't think he can see 100% and he has about a quarter of a tail.

So we've decided to call him Mau, 'cause that's what he says all the time. He talks a lot and is very friendly. He is always hungry but he's very thin so he's allowed a few extra treats. His favorite things to do are sleeping as close to your head as he can and supervise my knitting. He's so clever sometimes he even manages to do both at the same time! :)

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